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Month: August 2018

Happiest at My Busiest

Happiest at My Busiest

Isn’t it absurd when people take on the world then vent about how there’s too much on their plate? I, personally, load up my life because I’m at my happiest when I’m at my busiest. A Liz with nothing to do is a truly awful Liz. Last week, with all its self-imposed responsibilities, was the pinnacle of greatness. Life has been full in the best of ways, but things like folding my jeans after I take them off or maintaining…

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Boudoir Pirate

Boudoir Pirate

Oof, it’s been a day. The past few weeks have been somewhat stupid, too. While you’re reading this you should know I’m sitting in my underwear and sporting an obscene amount of pirate makeup. Like I said: it’s been a day. The running theme provides not only a literal hobby, but also a nice metaphor for my life. In addition to a generally large amount of self-imposed responsibilities on my plate, I’m rotten at time management. The result is a…

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