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Month: November 2013

I Photoshopped Some Photos of Myself

I Photoshopped Some Photos of Myself

One of my favorite things I’ve ever heard is “Don’t try to look like the girls in the magazines, ok? The girls in the magazines don’t even look like the girls in the magazines.” I had a little down time, and I came across yet another of those ridiculous “before and after Photoshop / can you believe America sucks so bad that we have to edit women so much in our magazines” articles. It was probably on Buzzfeed or something….

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Volunteering Isn’t Glamorous

Volunteering Isn’t Glamorous

I have been working in the nonprofit world for about a year now and I’m a little fed up slash coming to what I think are some pretty solid conclusions about pretty much everybody’s notion of volunteerism. A lot of people require a slap upside the head regarding their over-romanticized expectation of what happens when you express interest to a nonprofit about helping them out. First off: we’re a nonprofit. We want to put anybody to work. But remember: we’re…

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On Bee-Otches and Ghetto Princesses

On Bee-Otches and Ghetto Princesses

I’ve lately engaged in a little cleansing on Facebook and I’m proud to report that the friends who are privileged enough whose posts make it on my newsfeed has been reduced to a small fraction of the virtual friends I actually have. My purpose for this was, well, I don’t care about the things that most of you post. A lot of you just post pictures of your dinner or passive aggressive lyrics pointed at an unnamed romantic partner, anyway….

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