Snot Shirt
The next time you get the flu and are 1,000% positive you’ve permanently broken your phone, my hope is that you get as kind and patient of a Verizon representative as I did, who graciously reminded me to turn it off and back on again. Thanks, Quon! But this isn’t a post about Quon. It’s about cooties.
I’m going stir crazy as the sun is setting on my third day of what I’m mostly certain is the flu. Today has been much better and I expect to make a swinging comeback through all my work shifts tomorrow, but that doesn’t change the antsiness of the present. I’ve gone from sofa to bed and back to sofa for three days straight. I’ve updated Montgomery Marauder endlessly. I have snuggled the dogs in excess.
An hour ago I unclogged my shower drain. Yesterday I cleaned my bedsheets, which were donning a real funk as a result of one too many sweaty naps. I have a snot t-shirt next to me and don’t pretend you don’t know what that is. I swear I rotate it about twice a day.
I’ve learned a lot from this Marauder project. It’s a strange thing to advocate so loudly for the support of super rad events happening in a city with an admittedly unfortunate reputation. I really, truly believe that cool things are happening here, and that we just don’t hear about them enough. In one of the recent posts I was in the featured photo, sporting the shirt of a local punk rock band, V8 Death Car. Not many people responded to the post but the shirt? People applauded it loud and clear. People like supporting local people.
Montgomery businesses are not great at advertising their events. Some hit the nail on the head, sure, but others? C’mon, people. You need to post what you’re doing in an accessible way if you want people to show up.
I just sneezed in my snot shirt.
I’ve also learned that Montgomery has been craving a website like this. It’s a simple concept, inspired by my time living in Austin. Post cool things happening in the city. That’s it! It takes a lot of work to keep the calendar current, especially when I have to do so much hunting to get accurate information, but it’s been indescribably rewarding thus far. Thank you, so much, for showing your love. Keep it coming.