Red Pointe Shoe


December 29, 2013


The past week has been a doozie, lemme tell you. I’ve managed to pack up, relocate to another state, drive across the country, and attempt to keep my sanity all within an unreasonably small window of time.

Upon arrival to my parents’ house in Glendora, California, I was introduced to the newest member of our family: Miss Ziva Montgomery David. At the ripe old age of 10 weeks, I think it’s safe to say that this Tibetan terrier and I are going to be good friends for a good bit of time.

The Kurtz family house is a full as ever this holiday season, complete with a 5-year-old and 10-month-old running around, terrorizing almost as much as the new puppy. My latest life lesson is that hanging out with other folks’ children is the best birth control out there. I’m still convinced my nephews are the greatest humans on the planet, but I am perfectly content with not contributing another human to the planet any time in the near future.

The past week has been tiring, eventful, stressful, financially burdened, and positively wonderful. Between playing with the Kurtz dogs, playing with the Kurtz children, and driving my beloved truck, I think it’s safe to say that it’s good to be home.

In a few days I will find myself on Colorado Boulevard, camping out for 24 hours to hold my spot on the sidewalk for the Rose Parade. Days later will be the Trish and Liz’s Annual Christmas Tree Beach Bonfire. Not too long after that is the college football national championship game. A year ago today there was no way I would have believed you if you had told me I would be looking forward to attending the match (with a boyfriend, no less!). And yet, here I am, cheering Auburn on in my game day shirt and game day underwear (yes, I own “game day underwear” …still not sure how that one happened).

My life is full of far too many adventures; it’s really not fair.
