

Greater than my desire to pay off all of my student loans is my desire to know what I will be doing with my life after I graduate.

I just started my last college spring break that I will be enjoying during my Bachelor’s degree. The greatest problem I have always known I will have to face that will manifest as a result of choosing to earn my 4-year degree in such a distant place is knowing that I will have to leave it eventually.

And yet, even though I will be leaving some of the closest friends I have ever made (including a not too shabby boyfriend) behind in this corner of the country, I know it has been worth it.

I’m not graduating until December; until I’m gone, I am going to marinate myself in this beautiful snowglobe called Potsdam.

Hey, it’s spring break. Time to enjoy life. As usual, my school breaks do not involve going home to California. …oh no, they involve shenanigans with hostels and minimal food in cities I’ve never been to before. Next stop: Chicago.

Bring. It. On.


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